Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

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十大玩彩信誉平台被公认为Phi Kappa Phi卓越白金圈 Chapter

Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会是美国历史最悠久,最挑剔的大学 所有学科的荣誉协会——最近被十大玩彩信誉平台认可 阿拉巴马州的Phi Kappa分会被评为卓越圈白金分会,最高 一个分会可以得到组织的表彰. The award is given to chapters 在分会运作中超出预期,并表现出可持续性 and vitality as a chapter of Phi Kappa Phi.

卓越圈计划于2018年推出. The program recognized 74 今年的分会,包括13个白金分会. Phi Kappa Phi currently 在美国及其属地的325多所大学设有分会 and the Philippines.

“Phi Kappa Phi的基石是由我们的分会和管理人员组成的. We 为承认和庆祝体现我们使命的章节而感到无比自豪 授予他们卓越圈奖. Let the love of learning 继续统治,”协会执行董事兼首席执行官Dr. Bradley R. Newcomer.

卓越之圈白金荣誉授予获得完美分数的章节 在评估章节健康指标的标准量表中为100分. By receiving the 白金荣誉,美国分会被认为是一个蓬勃发展的组织 举办年度入会,遵守社团章程,定期参加分会培训 并提交一份分会认可的提名给Phi Kappa Phi奖学金 Program.


•协会发给分会官员和校园的一封表彰信 administration

•在Phi Kappa Phi网站上获得特别认可


•       a cash award


Ivy and Addison award photo

祝贺Ivy Nguyen和Addison Stevens获得Phi Kappa Phi National Awards

Ivy Nguyen was awarded the 2023 Marcus L. Urann Fellowship

Addison Stevens was awarded the 2023 Study Abroad Award

Learn more.

Phi Kappa Phi 2023-24 Award Recipients 

Kevin WestSusan Fitzsimmons


十大玩彩信誉平台Phi Kappa Phi荣誉学会分会自豪地宣布 announces the 2023 Scholar of the Year, Dr. Kevin West, Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

十大玩彩信誉平台Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会分会非常兴奋 to announce that Dr. Susan Fitzsimmons, Department Chair of Art & 美术史,是我们2023年度艺术家的获得者 Year award. 

"Let the love of learning rule humanity."

Phi Kappa Phi Chapter #194

Phi Kappa Phi was born different. In 1897, 10 senior students, 2 faculty members and 缅因大学校长创建了一种新的荣誉协会,一个承认 excellence in all academic disciplines. Under the leadership of student Marcus L. 这群人成立了Lambda Sigma Eta Society,后来更名为Phi Kappa Phi 从希腊单词的字母组成了它的座右铭Philosophìa Krateìto Photôn, "Let the love of learning rule humanity." Today, Phi Kappa Phi recognizes and promotes 在高等教育的各个领域取得卓越的学术成就 scholars in service to others.


 Learn more about joining Phi Kappa Phi at USA.